

This feature is superseded by appSecurity-2.0. Support for securing the server runtime environment and applications. This feature enables servlet-3.0 and web application security, support for LDAP and basic user registries, and SSL. To support secure EJB applications, you must add the ejbLite-3.1 feature. When you add this feature to your server, you need to configure a user registry, such as the basic user registry or the LDAP user registry.
Eclipse Public License
Eric Lau
Files download
File Operation
appSecurity-1.0- download
Apache Maven
Gradle Groovy
implementation 'io.openliberty.features:appSecurity-1.0:'
Gradle Kotlin
Scala SBT
libraryDependencies += "io.openliberty.features" % "appSecurity-1.0" % ""
Groovy Grape
  @Grab(group='io.openliberty.features', module='appSecurity-1.0', version='')
Apache Ivy
<dependency org="io.openliberty.features" name="appSecurity-1.0" rev="" />
[io.openliberty.features/appSecurity-1.0 ""]
Apache Buildr