

ThreadFix is a software vulnerability aggregation and management system that reduces the time it takes to fix software vulnerabilities. ThreadFix imports the results from dynamic, static and manual testing to provide a centralized view of software security defects across development teams and applications. The system allows companies to correlate testing results and streamline software remediation efforts by simplifying feeds to software issue trackers. By auto generating application firewall rules, this tool allows organizations to continue remediation work uninterrupted. ThreadFix empowers managers with vulnerability trending reports that show progress over time, giving them justification for their efforts. ThreadFix is developed and maintained by Denim Group, Ltd (http://www.denimgroup.com) For information about commercial support and other services, contact Denim Group about ThreadFix http://www.denimgroup.com/threadfix/ The ASTAM Correlator is a branch of the public Community Edition of the ThreadFix software. This branch is maintained by Secure Decisions (http://www.securedecisions.com), a subdivision of Applied Visions, Inc (http://www.avi.com).
Mozilla Public License v2.0
Denim Group, Ltd.; Secure Decisions, A Subdivision of Applied Visions, Inc.
Bryan Beverly Dan Cornell Michael Anderson Mac Collins Sinh Tran Zignat Abdisubhan Tyler Camp
Files download
File Operation
master-pom-1.0.pom download
Apache Maven
Gradle Groovy
implementation 'com.github.secdec.astam-correlator:master-pom:1.0'
Gradle Kotlin
Scala SBT
libraryDependencies += "com.github.secdec.astam-correlator" % "master-pom" % "1.0"
Groovy Grape
  @Grab(group='com.github.secdec.astam-correlator', module='master-pom', version='1.0')
Apache Ivy
<dependency org="com.github.secdec.astam-correlator" name="master-pom" rev="1.0" />
[com.github.secdec.astam-correlator/master-pom "1.0"]
Apache Buildr
The project has no third-party dependencies