

This is a client to access Cloud Bigtable (https://cloud.google.com/bigtable/) via the HBase APIs. There are a handful of modules in this project. The bigtable-hbase-x.x projects are intendned to be the projects which users interact with. The x.x versions in the bigtable-hbase-x.x projects represent the hbase major and minor versions which the project supports. For example, bigtable-hbase-1.0 will integrate with all hbase 1.0.x releases and bigtable-hbase-1.1 will integrate with all hbase 1.1.* releases. The bigtable-protos, bigtable-client-core and bigtable-hbase modules are meant to be used as components of bigtable-hbase-x.x. Those submodules may be usedful outside of the bigtable-hbase-x.x projects, but have not been thoroughly tested in other scenarios.
The Apache License, Version 2.0
Files download
File Operation
bigtable-client-parent-1.0.0-pre3.pom download
Apache Maven
Gradle Groovy
implementation 'com.google.cloud.bigtable:bigtable-client-parent:1.0.0-pre3'
Gradle Kotlin
Scala SBT
libraryDependencies += "com.google.cloud.bigtable" % "bigtable-client-parent" % "1.0.0-pre3"
Groovy Grape
  @Grab(group='com.google.cloud.bigtable', module='bigtable-client-parent', version='1.0.0-pre3')
Apache Ivy
<dependency org="com.google.cloud.bigtable" name="bigtable-client-parent" rev="1.0.0-pre3" />
[com.google.cloud.bigtable/bigtable-client-parent "1.0.0-pre3"]
Apache Buildr
The project has no third-party dependencies