

GroupDocs.Total for Cloud is a suite of RESTful APIs that allows developers to seamlessly add powerful document collaboration functionality to their web/mobile applications or sites. With GroupDocs.Total, you can enable end users to view, collaboratively annotate, compare, convert, e-sign, assemble and securely share over 50 document and image types (including PDF and Microsoft Office) on the web, all without having to install any 3rd-party office software or browser plugins. With this SDK, you can easily customize and integrate GroupDocs’ document collaboration tools into your web or mobile Java application.
The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
Marketplace Team
Files download
File Operation
groupdocs-java-client-2.6.0.jar download
groupdocs-java-client-2.6.0.pom download
groupdocs-java-client-2.6.0-sources.jar download
Apache Maven
Gradle Groovy
implementation 'com.groupdocs:groupdocs-java-client:2.6.0'
Gradle Kotlin
Scala SBT
libraryDependencies += "com.groupdocs" % "groupdocs-java-client" % "2.6.0"
Groovy Grape
  @Grab(group='com.groupdocs', module='groupdocs-java-client', version='2.6.0')
Apache Ivy
<dependency org="com.groupdocs" name="groupdocs-java-client" rev="2.6.0" />
[com.groupdocs/groupdocs-java-client "2.6.0"]
Apache Buildr