Dukascopy Bank and converts to Tick and Bar data as streams. Use AT YOUR OWN RISK. Use of this software does not imply financial advice, financial decisions should not be based on these tools, data or software. Refer to Licence.txt and Data-Disclaimer in the repository for more details." > mvncenter: com.limemojito.oss.trading.trading-data-stream:trading-data-stream:2.1.3


Streams data from Dukascopy Bank and converts to Tick and Bar data as streams. Use AT YOUR OWN RISK. Use of this software does not imply financial advice, financial decisions should not be based on these tools, data or software. Refer to Licence.txt and Data-Disclaimer in the repository for more details.
Files download
File Operation
trading-data-stream-2.1.3.pom download
Apache Maven
Gradle Groovy
implementation 'com.limemojito.oss.trading.trading-data-stream:trading-data-stream:2.1.3'
Gradle Kotlin
Scala SBT
libraryDependencies += "com.limemojito.oss.trading.trading-data-stream" % "trading-data-stream" % "2.1.3"
Groovy Grape
  @Grab(group='com.limemojito.oss.trading.trading-data-stream', module='trading-data-stream', version='2.1.3')
Apache Ivy
<dependency org="com.limemojito.oss.trading.trading-data-stream" name="trading-data-stream" rev="2.1.3" />
[com.limemojito.oss.trading.trading-data-stream/trading-data-stream "2.1.3"]
Apache Buildr