

Stevia is a QA Framework unifying the Selenium-RC and Webdriver APIs under a common uniform API that handles all differences. Using Stevia allows the QA Engineer to seamlessly switch between Selenium-RC and Webdriver, enhance by adding custom webdrivers and other artifacts. By design both drivers play under Selenium Grid and support extended reporting functionality via ReportNG, including remote screenshots.
BSD 3-clause New or Revised License
Thanos Angelatos George Kogketsof Panagiotis Tsiakos
Files download
File Operation
stevia-core-0.9.0.jar download
stevia-core-0.9.0.pom download
stevia-core-0.9.0-sources.jar download
Apache Maven
Gradle Groovy
implementation 'com.persado.oss.quality.stevia:stevia-core:0.9.0'
Gradle Kotlin
Scala SBT
libraryDependencies += "com.persado.oss.quality.stevia" % "stevia-core" % "0.9.0"
Groovy Grape
  @Grab(group='com.persado.oss.quality.stevia', module='stevia-core', version='0.9.0')
Apache Ivy
<dependency org="com.persado.oss.quality.stevia" name="stevia-core" rev="0.9.0" />
[com.persado.oss.quality.stevia/stevia-core "0.9.0"]
Apache Buildr