

Test Drop-in Framework for Selenium WebDriver 3.x. This repository contains these major deliverables: a) the Test Drop-in Framework, b) a WebDriver implementation offering enhanced logging capabilities, and c) the @FindByJS annotation support Provides a thin abstraction layer between the test environment and the test class plus its helpers. This makes the test code independent of the test environment, thus allowing exchange of tests between organizations or even companies. It comes with an event firing WebDriver wrapper plus corresponding interface. This allows you to implement listeners to arbitrary WebDriver activities for various purposes such as logging. Offers support of JavaScript commands to find elements in a way similar to @FindBy used on fields in Page Object classes.
BSD 3-Clause
Georg Neumann
Files download
File Operation
test-drop-in-framework-3.0.19.jar download
test-drop-in-framework-3.0.19.pom download
test-drop-in-framework-3.0.19-sources.jar download
Apache Maven
Gradle Groovy
implementation 'com.salesforce.cqe:test-drop-in-framework:3.0.19'
Gradle Kotlin
Scala SBT
libraryDependencies += "com.salesforce.cqe" % "test-drop-in-framework" % "3.0.19"
Groovy Grape
  @Grab(group='com.salesforce.cqe', module='test-drop-in-framework', version='3.0.19')
Apache Ivy
<dependency org="com.salesforce.cqe" name="test-drop-in-framework" rev="3.0.19" />
[com.salesforce.cqe/test-drop-in-framework "3.0.19"]
Apache Buildr