TagMyCode. This plugin allows you to manage your own snippets.

* Add snippets: you can save your code snippets including description, language, and tags
* List snippets (CRUD): snippets are stored locally and you can filter, sort, create, modify, edit or delete them directly from the IDE
* Quick search: you can search your snippets and insert them directly into the document


2.3.0 (released 2020-07-26)
* published plugin into Apache NetBeans Plugin Portal
* filter snippets by languages

2.2.1 (released 2018-01-10)
* Quick Search dialog is now resizable
* fixed syntax highlight for PHP and HTML
* if refresh token is not valid user will be automatically logged out

2.2.0 (released 2017-11-06)
* snippets management works in offline mode
* autodetect language on new snippet
* added settings dialog with editor theme and font size option
* added title and description to snippet view
* changed open browser class
* text can be dragged into table to create a new snippet
* snippets can be dragged directly into editor and the code are copied
* added "save as file" feature
* added "clone snippet" feature
* added "snippet properties" dialog
* detect binary file

2.1.0 (released 2017-04-24)
* moved error messages from dialog to Netbeans Notification Log
* added welcome panel
* about dialog shows plugin version and framework version
* moved storage from JSON to SQL

2.0 (released 2016-07-11)
* new user interface
* list of snippets stored locally
* syntax highlight powered by RSyntaxTextArea
* snippets are synchronized with server
* filter snippets
* quick search feature
* insert selected snippet at cursor in document

1.1.3 (released 2015-12-18)
* Fix for NetBeans 8.1

1.1.2 (released 2014-10-03)
* Switched authentication from OAuth 1.0a to OAuth 2
* Console write also snippet title when new snippet is created (thanks to bejoy)

1.1 (released 2014-08-19)
* Added "Search snippets" feature
* Fixed some minor bugs

1.0 (released 2014-04-14)
* First release with feature "Create snippet"
" > mvncenter: com.tagmycode:tagmycode-netbeans:2.3.0


Provides the support for TagMyCode. This plugin allows you to manage your own snippets.

* Add snippets: you can save your code snippets including description, language, and tags
* List snippets (CRUD): snippets are stored locally and you can filter, sort, create, modify, edit or delete them directly from the IDE
* Quick search: you can search your snippets and insert them directly into the document


2.3.0 (released 2020-07-26)
* published plugin into Apache NetBeans Plugin Portal
* filter snippets by languages

2.2.1 (released 2018-01-10)
* Quick Search dialog is now resizable
* fixed syntax highlight for PHP and HTML
* if refresh token is not valid user will be automatically logged out

2.2.0 (released 2017-11-06)
* snippets management works in offline mode
* autodetect language on new snippet
* added settings dialog with editor theme and font size option
* added title and description to snippet view
* changed open browser class
* text can be dragged into table to create a new snippet
* snippets can be dragged directly into editor and the code are copied
* added "save as file" feature
* added "clone snippet" feature
* added "snippet properties" dialog
* detect binary file

2.1.0 (released 2017-04-24)
* moved error messages from dialog to Netbeans Notification Log
* added welcome panel
* about dialog shows plugin version and framework version
* moved storage from JSON to SQL

2.0 (released 2016-07-11)
* new user interface
* list of snippets stored locally
* syntax highlight powered by RSyntaxTextArea
* snippets are synchronized with server
* filter snippets
* quick search feature
* insert selected snippet at cursor in document

1.1.3 (released 2015-12-18)
* Fix for NetBeans 8.1

1.1.2 (released 2014-10-03)
* Switched authentication from OAuth 1.0a to OAuth 2
* Console write also snippet title when new snippet is created (thanks to bejoy)

1.1 (released 2014-08-19)
* Added "Search snippets" feature
* Fixed some minor bugs

1.0 (released 2014-04-14)
* First release with feature "Create snippet"
Apache License 2.0
Massimo Zappino
Files download
File Operation
tagmycode-netbeans-2.3.0.jar download
tagmycode-netbeans-2.3.0.pom download
tagmycode-netbeans-2.3.0-sources.jar download
Apache Maven
Gradle Groovy
implementation 'com.tagmycode:tagmycode-netbeans:2.3.0'
Gradle Kotlin
Scala SBT
libraryDependencies += "com.tagmycode" % "tagmycode-netbeans" % "2.3.0"
Groovy Grape
  @Grab(group='com.tagmycode', module='tagmycode-netbeans', version='2.3.0')
Apache Ivy
<dependency org="com.tagmycode" name="tagmycode-netbeans" rev="2.3.0" />
[com.tagmycode/tagmycode-netbeans "2.3.0"]
Apache Buildr