

This module contains the sequence datastructure of the TCS Alignment Toolbox. It defines the possible value sets in the ValueType enum as well as the different KeywordSpecification classes, namely: 1.) StringKeywordSpecification for string type values. 2.) SymbolicKeywordSpecification for values from a discrete alphabet (also refer to the Alphabet class) 3.) VectorialKeywordSpecification for vectors of some length (or for scalars) A NodeSpecification is a vector of such KeywordSpecifications and defines the order of value sets. A node, then, is defined as a vector of values from these value sets (also refer to the Value interface as well as the StringValue, SymbolicValue and VectorialValue classes). Finally a sequence is defined as a list of such nodes.
The GNU Affero General Public License, Version 3
Benjamin Paaßen
Aggregated version Version Update time
3.1 3.1.1 Oct 26, 2018
3.1.0 May 23, 2018
3.0 3.0.1 Dec 06, 2016
3.0.0 Jun 10, 2016
2.1 2.1.2 Aug 05, 2015
2.0 2.0.0 Jul 17, 2015
6 Records