

This Java Toolbox provides several algorithms to align two input sequences, where your sequential data is allowed to be multimodal and multidimensional. We also provide additional tools to inspect the alignment results in more detail or even calculate derivatives of the alignment w.r.t. metric parameters such that you can optimize the alignment parameters according to some cost function. It is written in Java 1.7. and is also compatible with Matlab (version 2013b or higher).
The GNU Affero General Public License, Version 3
Benjamin Paaßen Georg Zentgraf
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File Operation
alignment-3.1.0.pom download
Apache Maven
Gradle Groovy
implementation 'de.cit-ec.tcs:alignment:3.1.0'
Gradle Kotlin
Scala SBT
libraryDependencies += "de.cit-ec.tcs" % "alignment" % "3.1.0"
Groovy Grape
  @Grab(group='de.cit-ec.tcs', module='alignment', version='3.1.0')
Apache Ivy
<dependency org="de.cit-ec.tcs" name="alignment" rev="3.1.0" />
[de.cit-ec.tcs/alignment "3.1.0"]
Apache Buildr
The project has no third-party dependencies