

Smaller is a minification library. It could be embedded as servlet, OSGi bundle or be used from ant or maven. Currently it supports CoffeeScript, Google Closure-Compiler, UglifyJs, LessJs, CssEmbedd and YUICompressor.
Markus Wolf
Aggregated version Version Update time
0.8 0.8.8 Apr 06, 2014
0.8.7 Apr 05, 2014
0.8.6 Apr 04, 2014
0.8.5 Apr 03, 2014
0.8.4 Apr 03, 2014
0.8.3 Apr 02, 2014
0.8.2 Mar 06, 2014
0.8.1 Feb 14, 2014
0.8.0 Feb 14, 2014
0.7 0.7.0 Nov 03, 2013
0.6 0.6.3 Aug 08, 2013
0.6.2 Jul 25, 2013
0.6.1 May 31, 2013
0.6.0 Mar 11, 2013
0.5 0.5.3 Nov 19, 2012
0.5.2 Sep 11, 2012
0.5.1 Sep 06, 2012
0.5.0 Sep 06, 2012
18 Records