

This Tool provides the means to monitor the performance of Spring Batch applications without the need to manipulate the respective code basis. Through Listeners and AOP it evaluates the throughput of a monitored Job and writes the result to a simble database-schema (a file-based H2 by default). It measures the performance of Job, Step, Chunk, Reader/Processor/Writer/Tasklet down to indivdual Items. Installation/Usage: 1. Add the springBatchPerformanceMonitoring-dependency to your POM 2. Add the de.viadee.spring.batch.infrastructure.Configurator.class to your Spring-Application-Context (via @Import on your Configuration) 3. Run the Job 4. By default the monitoring result is written to project-folder/target/database/monitoringDB.mv.db
FreeBSD License
viadee Unternehmensberatung GmbH
Christian Nockemann
文件名 操作
springBatchPerformanceMonitoring-1.0.2.jar 下载
springBatchPerformanceMonitoring-1.0.2.pom 下载
springBatchPerformanceMonitoring-1.0.2-sources.jar 下载
Apache Maven
Gradle Groovy
implementation 'de.viadee:springBatchPerformanceMonitoring:1.0.2'
Gradle Kotlin
Scala SBT
libraryDependencies += "de.viadee" % "springBatchPerformanceMonitoring" % "1.0.2"
Groovy Grape
  @Grab(group='de.viadee', module='springBatchPerformanceMonitoring', version='1.0.2')
Apache Ivy
<dependency org="de.viadee" name="springBatchPerformanceMonitoring" rev="1.0.2" />
[de.viadee/springBatchPerformanceMonitoring "1.0.2"]
Apache Buildr