

ECJ, A Java-based Evolutionary Computation Research System. ECJ is a research EC system written in Java. It was designed to be highly flexible, with nearly all classes (and all of their settings) dynamically determined at runtime by a user-provided parameter file. All structures in the system are arranged to be easily modifiable. Even so, the system was designed with an eye toward efficiency. ECJ is developed at George Mason University's ECLab Evolutionary Computation Laboratory. The software has nothing to do with its initials' namesake, Evolutionary Computation Journal. ECJ's sister project is MASON, a multi-agent simulation system which dovetails with ECJ nicely.
The Academic Free License, version 3.0
Evolutionary Computation Laboratory at George Mason University
Sean Luke Liviu Panait Gabriel Balan Sean Paus Zbigniew Skolicki Rafal Kicinger Elena Popovici Keith Sullivan Joseph Harrison Jeff Bassett Robert Hubley Ankur Desai Alexander Chircop Jack Compton William Haddon Stephen Donnelly Beenish Jamil Joseph Zelibor Eric Kangas Faisal Abidi Houston Mooers James O'Beirne Khaled Ahsan Talukder James McDermott
Files download
File Operation
ecj-22.jar download
ecj-22.pom download
ecj-22-sources.jar download
Apache Maven
Gradle Groovy
implementation 'edu.gmu.cs:ecj:22'
Gradle Kotlin
Scala SBT
libraryDependencies += "edu.gmu.cs" % "ecj" % "22"
Groovy Grape
  @Grab(group='edu.gmu.cs', module='ecj', version='22')
Apache Ivy
<dependency org="edu.gmu.cs" name="ecj" rev="22" />
[edu.gmu.cs/ecj "22"]
Apache Buildr