

scala-tptp-parser is a library for parsing the input languages of the TPTP infrastructure for knowledge representation and reasoning. The package contains a data structure for the abstract syntax tree (AST) of the parsed input as well as the parser for the different language of the TPTP, see http://tptp.org for details. In particular, parser are available for: - THF (TH0/TH1): Monomorphic and polymorphic higher-order logic, - TFF (TF0/TF1): Monomorphic and polymorphic typed first-order logic, including extended TFF (TFX), - FOF: Untyped first-order logic, - TCF: Typed clause-normal form, - CNF: (Untyped) clause-normal form, and - TPI: TPTP Process Instruction language. The parser was initially based on v7.4.0.3 of the TPTP syntax BNF (http://tptp.org/TPTP/SyntaxBNF.html), but is continuously updated to keep track of TPTP language updates.
Alexander Steen
Files download
File Operation
scala-tptp-parser_2.13-1.6.jar download
scala-tptp-parser_2.13-1.6.pom download
scala-tptp-parser_2.13-1.6-sources.jar download
Apache Maven
Gradle Groovy
implementation 'io.github.leoprover:scala-tptp-parser_2.13:1.6'
Gradle Kotlin
Scala SBT
libraryDependencies += "io.github.leoprover" % "scala-tptp-parser_2.13" % "1.6"
Groovy Grape
  @Grab(group='io.github.leoprover', module='scala-tptp-parser_2.13', version='1.6')
Apache Ivy
<dependency org="io.github.leoprover" name="scala-tptp-parser_2.13" rev="1.6" />
[io.github.leoprover/scala-tptp-parser_2.13 "1.6"]
Apache Buildr