

The JXTA Shell is a sample application that demonstrates key concepts of JXTA JXSE. The JXTA Shell enables users to interact with the JXTA platform through a command-line interpreter. Much like the UNIX® shell, the JXTA Shell is useful for accessing and managing core platform objects (peers, groups, pipes), debugging communications problems, checking the status of peers and/or peer groups, and communicating with other JXTA services and applications. As in UNIX®, the JXTA shell allows users to "pipe" shell commands together connecting commands "on-the-fly." Pipes in Project JXTA are useful for collecting information at one peer and perhaps processing the command at another.
Project JXTA License
Project JXTA
Files download
File Operation
jxse-shell-2.5.jar download
jxse-shell-2.5.pom download
jxse-shell-2.5-sources.jar download
Apache Maven
Gradle Groovy
implementation 'net.jxta:jxse-shell:2.5'
Gradle Kotlin
Scala SBT
libraryDependencies += "net.jxta" % "jxse-shell" % "2.5"
Groovy Grape
  @Grab(group='net.jxta', module='jxse-shell', version='2.5')
Apache Ivy
<dependency org="net.jxta" name="jxse-shell" rev="2.5" />
[net.jxta/jxse-shell "2.5"]
Apache Buildr