

A simple templating system for java codegen. This library includes an object-oriented, fluent source writing api, for a chained, intuitive codegen api. It also includes a template processor which can take java source files formatted with "magic comments", to allow simple mapping of GeneratorClass#generatorMethod() to inject dynamic source content. //@generateWith(GeneratorClass)// -Sets the current generator. You may use as many as you please //generatorMethod(arbitrary-string-data-you-may-want-to-parse)// -invokes the named method on the current injector, with any text (between brackets) sent as a string This allows you to markup default source with hooks where you may want to inject arbitrary code. It is especially useful for generating super-source in gwt compiles; changes to the default class are propagated to overrides.
The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
The Internet Party
James X. Nelson
Files download
File Operation
xapi-template-0.2.jar download
xapi-template-0.2.pom download
xapi-template-0.2-sources.jar download
Apache Maven
Gradle Groovy
implementation 'net.wetheinter:xapi-template:0.2'
Gradle Kotlin
Scala SBT
libraryDependencies += "net.wetheinter" % "xapi-template" % "0.2"
Groovy Grape
  @Grab(group='net.wetheinter', module='xapi-template', version='0.2')
Apache Ivy
<dependency org="net.wetheinter" name="xapi-template" rev="0.2" />
[net.wetheinter/xapi-template "0.2"]
Apache Buildr