

Oxalis integration test. Experiment to see if running with embedded Tomcat will work. The idea is to compile and package everything, after which the web container is started in the pre-integration-test phase, the .war file is deployed and the tests are executed in the integration-test phase. After the tests have been executed, the web container is stopped in the post-integration-test phase. The reason for using failsafe is the fact that Surefire would fail the build in the integration-test phase, without taking down the server in the post-integration-test phase. This implementation uses Tomcat, but you may change this to your liking. See http://cargo.codehaus.org/Maven2+plugin for more information.
Files download
File Operation
oxalis-integration-test-3.2.0-RC1.jar download
oxalis-integration-test-3.2.0-RC1.pom download
Apache Maven
Gradle Groovy
implementation 'no.difi.oxalis:oxalis-integration-test:3.2.0-RC1'
Gradle Kotlin
Scala SBT
libraryDependencies += "no.difi.oxalis" % "oxalis-integration-test" % "3.2.0-RC1"
Groovy Grape
  @Grab(group='no.difi.oxalis', module='oxalis-integration-test', version='3.2.0-RC1')
Apache Ivy
<dependency org="no.difi.oxalis" name="oxalis-integration-test" rev="3.2.0-RC1" />
[no.difi.oxalis/oxalis-integration-test "3.2.0-RC1"]
Apache Buildr