

The Bouncy Castle Java S/MIME APIs for handling S/MIME protocols. This jar contains S/MIME APIs for JDK 1.5 to JDK 1.8. The APIs can be used in conjunction with a JCE/JCA provider such as the one provided with the Bouncy Castle Cryptography APIs. The JavaMail API and the Java activation framework will also be needed.
Bouncy Castle Licence
The Legion of the Bouncy Castle Inc.
Files download
File Operation
bcmail-jdk15on-1.56.jar download
bcmail-jdk15on-1.56.pom download
bcmail-jdk15on-1.56-sources.jar download
Apache Maven
Gradle Groovy
implementation 'org.bouncycastle:bcmail-jdk15on:1.56'
Gradle Kotlin
Scala SBT
libraryDependencies += "org.bouncycastle" % "bcmail-jdk15on" % "1.56"
Groovy Grape
  @Grab(group='org.bouncycastle', module='bcmail-jdk15on', version='1.56')
Apache Ivy
<dependency org="org.bouncycastle" name="bcmail-jdk15on" rev="1.56" />
[org.bouncycastle/bcmail-jdk15on "1.56"]
Apache Buildr