

The purpose of this project is to provide a Java API and implementation capable of reading the data files of a Creative Memories http://www.creativememories.com/) Memory Manager (http://www.creativememories.com/MainMenu/Our-products-and-services/Digital-Scrapbooking/Memory-Manager%e2%84%a2) Memory Vault mvn site package 0.0.1 -Initial Release supporting Memory Manager 3 0.0.2 -RC1 * Refactor of 0.0.1 to support on-demand construction of the data tree instead of building the entire tree up front. * Change pom parent to ferris-standard-project -RC2 * Added Observable back to Manifest. * Updated DAO to accept an Observer.
Aggregated version Version Update time
0.0 0.0.2 Aug 18, 2010
0.0.1 Mar 06, 2010
2 Records