

Geomajas Graphics Editing plugin. The graphics editing plugin defines a set of interfaces and controllers for editing graphical objects in maps based on gwt-graphics. It can be used as a basis for annotations (based on SVG/VML elements) as well as to extend editing with operations like dragging/resizing. Geomajas is a component framework for building rich Internet applications (RIA) with sophisticated capabilities for the display, analysis and management of geographic information. It is a building block that allows developers to add maps and other geographic data capabilities to their web applications.
Files download
File Operation
geomajas-client-gwt2-plugin-graphicsediting-parent-2.0.0-M1.pom download
Apache Maven
Gradle Groovy
implementation 'org.geomajas.plugin:geomajas-client-gwt2-plugin-graphicsediting-parent:2.0.0-M1'
Gradle Kotlin
Scala SBT
libraryDependencies += "org.geomajas.plugin" % "geomajas-client-gwt2-plugin-graphicsediting-parent" % "2.0.0-M1"
Groovy Grape
  @Grab(group='org.geomajas.plugin', module='geomajas-client-gwt2-plugin-graphicsediting-parent', version='2.0.0-M1')
Apache Ivy
<dependency org="org.geomajas.plugin" name="geomajas-client-gwt2-plugin-graphicsediting-parent" rev="2.0.0-M1" />
[org.geomajas.plugin/geomajas-client-gwt2-plugin-graphicsediting-parent "2.0.0-M1"]
Apache Buildr