

This package contains the service implementations of the core services. All classes in this package are hidden in internal and should not be directly used. It is very likely that this package is split into the various sub-packages in future releases.
Apache 2
Aggregated version Version Update time
1.2 1.2.2.RELEASE Sep 15, 2011
1.2.1.RELEASE Jul 14, 2011
1.2.0.RELEASE Jun 22, 2011
1.2.0.RC3 Jun 19, 2011
1.2.0.RC2 May 17, 2011
1.2.0.RC1 Apr 26, 2011
1.2.0.M5 Apr 21, 2011
1.3 1.3.0.M3 Jul 15, 2011
1.3.0.M2 May 20, 2011
1.3.0.M1 May 04, 2011
10 Records