

The cloning library is a small, open source (Apache licensed) Java library which deep-clones objects. The objects do not have to implement the Cloneable interface. Effectivelly, this library can clone ANY Java object. It can be used i.e. in cache implementations, if you don't want the cached object to be modified or whenever you want to create a deep copy of an object. Sample usage: You can create a single instance of cloner and use it throughout your application. i.e. Cloner cloner=new Cloner(); ... cloner.deepClone(o); Please check http://robust-it.co.uk/clone/ for more examples (spring integration, immutable objects etc)
Apache License, Version 2.0
Files download
File Operation
cloning-1.8.1.jar download
cloning-1.8.1.pom download
cloning-1.8.1-sources.jar download
Apache Maven
Gradle Groovy
implementation 'uk.com.robust-it:cloning:1.8.1'
Gradle Kotlin
Scala SBT
libraryDependencies += "uk.com.robust-it" % "cloning" % "1.8.1"
Groovy Grape
  @Grab(group='uk.com.robust-it', module='cloning', version='1.8.1')
Apache Ivy
<dependency org="uk.com.robust-it" name="cloning" rev="1.8.1" />
[uk.com.robust-it/cloning "1.8.1"]
Apache Buildr