

This Lutra submodule implements readers and writers for the stOTTR formalisation format (https://spec.ottr.xyz/stOTTR/). stOTTR is a custom-built serialisation format for OTTR intended to be easy to read and write for humans (and computers!). Lutra is the reference implementation of the OTTR framework. For more information about OTTR, see http://ottr.xyz.
Files download
File Operation
lutra-stottr-0.6.19.jar download
lutra-stottr-0.6.19.pom download
lutra-stottr-0.6.19-sources.jar download
Apache Maven
Gradle Groovy
implementation 'xyz.ottr.lutra:lutra-stottr:0.6.19'
Gradle Kotlin
Scala SBT
libraryDependencies += "xyz.ottr.lutra" % "lutra-stottr" % "0.6.19"
Groovy Grape
  @Grab(group='xyz.ottr.lutra', module='lutra-stottr', version='0.6.19')
Apache Ivy
<dependency org="xyz.ottr.lutra" name="lutra-stottr" rev="0.6.19" />
[xyz.ottr.lutra/lutra-stottr "0.6.19"]
Apache Buildr