

This Lutra submodule implements readers and writers for the wOTTR serialisation format (https://spec.ottr.xyz/wOTTR/0.4/). wOTTR is a syntax for writing templates and instances in RDF intended for publishing templates and instances on the web or for storage in a triplestore. Lutra is the reference implementation of the OTTR framework. For more information about OTTR, see http://ottr.xyz.
Files download
File Operation
lutra-wottr-0.6.19.jar download
lutra-wottr-0.6.19.pom download
lutra-wottr-0.6.19-sources.jar download
Apache Maven
Gradle Groovy
implementation 'xyz.ottr.lutra:lutra-wottr:0.6.19'
Gradle Kotlin
Scala SBT
libraryDependencies += "xyz.ottr.lutra" % "lutra-wottr" % "0.6.19"
Groovy Grape
  @Grab(group='xyz.ottr.lutra', module='lutra-wottr', version='0.6.19')
Apache Ivy
<dependency org="xyz.ottr.lutra" name="lutra-wottr" rev="0.6.19" />
[xyz.ottr.lutra/lutra-wottr "0.6.19"]
Apache Buildr