

HAPI (HL7 application programming interface; pronounced "happy") is an open-source, object-oriented HL7 2.x parser for Java. HL7 (http://hl7org) is a messaging specification for healthcare information systems. This project is not affiliated with the HL7 organization; we are just writing some software that conforms to their specification. The project was initiated by University Health Network (a large multi-site teaching hospital in Toronto, Canada).
HAPI is dual licensed (MPL, GPL) Mozilla Public License 1.1 GNU General Public License
University Health Network
Bryan Tripp James Agnew Christian Ohr Niranjan Sharma Alexei Guevara Charles D. Fisher Abraham Tio Leslie Mann Neal Acharya Nico Vannieuwenhuyze Sumeet Chhetri
Files download
File Operation
hapi-2.5.pom download
Apache Maven
Gradle Groovy
implementation 'ca.uhn.hapi:hapi:2.5'
Gradle Kotlin
Scala SBT
libraryDependencies += "ca.uhn.hapi" % "hapi" % "2.5"
Groovy Grape
  @Grab(group='ca.uhn.hapi', module='hapi', version='2.5')
Apache Ivy
<dependency org="ca.uhn.hapi" name="hapi" rev="2.5" />
[ca.uhn.hapi/hapi "2.5"]
Apache Buildr