

Siena is a persistence abstraction layer made in Java with various implementations: * siena-jdbc: persists objects into a relational database using JDBC (status: deeply tested) * siena-gae: persists objects into the Google App Engine's datastore using its low-level API (status: beta) * siena-sdb: persists objects using Amazon's SimpleDB (very experimental) * siena-remote: persists objects remotely using a remote web application that uses siena. (planning) Siena is also: * Intrusive. You make a class persistent by extending a certain class. Relationships are defined also in an intrusive way. * Simple. Simplicity is the most important thing. * Limited. Due to the simplicity there are several unsupported things such as JOINs. * Extensible. There are two interfaces you can implement on your own way.
Apache 2
Google Code
Pascal Voitot Alberto Gimeno Jonathan Sánchez
Files download
File Operation
siena-1.0.0-b6-20111107.jar download
siena-1.0.0-b6-20111107.pom download
siena-1.0.0-b6-20111107-sources.jar download
Apache Maven
Gradle Groovy
implementation 'com.google.code.maven-play-plugin.com.sienaproject.siena:siena:1.0.0-b6-20111107'
Gradle Kotlin
Scala SBT
libraryDependencies += "com.google.code.maven-play-plugin.com.sienaproject.siena" % "siena" % "1.0.0-b6-20111107"
Groovy Grape
  @Grab(group='com.google.code.maven-play-plugin.com.sienaproject.siena', module='siena', version='1.0.0-b6-20111107')
Apache Ivy
<dependency org="com.google.code.maven-play-plugin.com.sienaproject.siena" name="siena" rev="1.0.0-b6-20111107" />
[com.google.code.maven-play-plugin.com.sienaproject.siena/siena "1.0.0-b6-20111107"]
Apache Buildr