

Beehive's goal is to make J2EE programming easier by building a simple object model on J2EE and Struts. Using the new JSR-175 annotations, Beehive reduces the coding necessary for J2EE. The initial Beehive project has three pieces. NetUI: An annotation-driven web application programming framework that is built atop Struts. NetUI centralizes navigation logic, state, metadata, and exception handling in a single encapsulated and reusable Page Flow Controller class. In addition, NetUI provides a set of JSP tags for rendering HTML / XHTML and higher-level UI constructs such as data grids and trees and has first-class integration with JavaServer Faces and Struts. Controls: A lightweight, metadata-driven component framework for building that reduces the complexity of being a client of enterprise resources. Controls provide a unified client abstraction that can be implemented to access a diverse set of enterprise resources using a single configuration model. In addition, Beehive includes a set of system controls that are abstractions for low-level J2EE resource APIs such as EJB, JMS, JDBC, and web services.
The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
Travis Burtrum
Aggregated version Version Update time
1.0 1.0.4 Aug 28, 2015
1.0.3 Mar 17, 2015
1.0.2 Apr 22, 2014
3 Records