

Metro is a high-performance, extensible, easy-to-use web service stack. It is a one-stop shop for all your web service needs, from the simplest hello world web service to reliable, secured, and transacted web service that involves .NET services. This module is exclusively meant for use in GlassFish V3 development. It is highly unlikely to work in any other environment. If you are looking for a Maven distribution of Metro, please use com.sun.xml.ws.webservices.
Dual License: CDDL 1.0 and GPL V2 with Classpath Exception
Sun Microsystems, Inc
Aggregated version Version Update time
2.2 2.2-promoted-b36 May 20, 2010
2.2.1-promoted-b73 May 20, 2010
2.2.1-promoted-b72 May 20, 2010
2.2-promoted-b35 May 20, 2010
2.2.1 May 12, 2010
165 Records