

AIPARK offers detailed parking information for more than 1.8 Mio parking areas in Germany with nationwide coverage. Additionally, accurate occupancy predictions are derived using data from a network of more than 5 million smartphones. Use the AIPARK API Explorer application to try out and test the interface. Please send a request via email if you are a developer and require an API key. We'll be in touch with you shortly. This application is provided via a demo backend environment. Please note that API load tests do not reflect the performance of the productive system. Mail: info@aipark.de
The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
Aggregated version Version Update time
3001 3001 Mar 03, 2019
2832 2832 Nov 16, 2018
2831 2831 Nov 16, 2018
2736 2736 Sep 22, 2018
2735 2735 Sep 21, 2018
2734 2734 Sep 07, 2018
6 Records