

A plugin to work with Cruise Control. Plugin can generate a Cruise Control configuration from the POM, start the CruiseControl server, and when included as a report provide a link to the build results.
Apache Software Foundation
Brett Porter Eric Pugh Vincent Massol
Aggregated version Version Update time
1.8 1.8 Nov 06, 2006
1.7 1.7 Nov 06, 2006
1.6 1.6 Nov 09, 2005
1.5 1.5 Nov 09, 2005
1.4 1.4 Nov 09, 2005
1.3 1.3 Nov 09, 2005
1.2 1.2 Nov 09, 2005
1.1 1.1 Nov 09, 2005
8 Records