

A plugin to work with Cruise Control. Plugin can generate a Cruise Control configuration from the POM, start the CruiseControl server, and when included as a report provide a link to the build results.
Apache Software Foundation
Brett Porter Eric Pugh Vincent Massol
大版本 版本 最近更新
1.8 1.8 2006-11-06 09:08:58
1.7 1.7 2006-11-06 09:08:58
1.6 1.6 2005-11-09 06:23:25
1.5 1.5 2005-11-09 06:23:23
1.4 1.4 2005-11-09 06:23:23
1.3 1.3 2005-11-09 06:23:23
1.2 1.2 2005-11-09 06:23:23
1.1 1.1 2005-11-09 06:23:23