

Modelant provides JMI-compliant mechanism to read, process, export models in MOF 1.4, UML 1.3 and UML 1.4, including also an engine for generation of code (any texts) using Object-Oriented Programming and templates. It is an extensible framework allowing adding support of other languages, described using MOF 1.4 metamodels. Modelant provides Maven plugins to automate the creation and comparison of UML 1.3, UML 1.4, MOF 1.4 models; the generation of code from models; the reverse engineering of java code, relational databases and XML DTD/XSD; the transformatoion of models, e.g. tranformation of of UMl 1.3 models to UML 1.4; the comparison and change identification in UML 1.3/UML 1.4 models and MOF 1.4 metamodels. The produced UML 1.3 models are suitable to be imported in Rational Rose 2003 + XMI Plugin, WhiteStar UML / Star UML, Enterprise Architect, other, as they employ MOF 1.3/MOF 1.4 as reading MOF 1.3 is internally converted to MOF1.4 and XMI 1.1 and XMI 1.2. whereas the converted to UML 1.4 models can be imported in Argo UML, Enterprise Architect, other as they employ MOF 1.4 and XMI 1.1 and XMI 1.2. Modelant wraps the NetBeans Meta-Data Repository (MDR).
Eclipse Public License v 2.0
Rusi Popov
文件名 操作
modelant-3.3.0.pom 下载
Apache Maven
Gradle Groovy
implementation 'net.mdatools:modelant:3.3.0'
Gradle Kotlin
Scala SBT
libraryDependencies += "net.mdatools" % "modelant" % "3.3.0"
Groovy Grape
  @Grab(group='net.mdatools', module='modelant', version='3.3.0')
Apache Ivy
<dependency org="net.mdatools" name="modelant" rev="3.3.0" />
[net.mdatools/modelant "3.3.0"]
Apache Buildr