

BOM module to define common and cross cutting dependencies like Apache Commons-*, Bouncycastle, Netty etc.. These managed dependencies will be bundled into a 'nifi-standard-shared-nar' that can be a parent of child nars which need these common dependencies. This ensures consistent versions of these dependencies and minimizes copies of these commonly used Jars
Files download
File Operation
nifi-standard-shared-bom-2.0.0-M3.pom download
Apache Maven
Gradle Groovy
implementation 'org.apache.nifi:nifi-standard-shared-bom:2.0.0-M3'
Gradle Kotlin
Scala SBT
libraryDependencies += "org.apache.nifi" % "nifi-standard-shared-bom" % "2.0.0-M3"
Groovy Grape
  @Grab(group='org.apache.nifi', module='nifi-standard-shared-bom', version='2.0.0-M3')
Apache Ivy
<dependency org="org.apache.nifi" name="nifi-standard-shared-bom" rev="2.0.0-M3" />
[org.apache.nifi/nifi-standard-shared-bom "2.0.0-M3"]
Apache Buildr