
Basis for development of ejb/jpa/envers (ejbCrudApi) applications. For GUI development based on jsf 2 / primefaces guiCrudApi can be used. Aspects covered: security roles, logout, multi lingualism, record level history, theming, lazy loading into data layer, dynamic jpa queries with support for all comparisons except between, syntax in parameter values (negations, is [not] null, and/or), strict separation frontend / backend and ejb / jpa.
Apache License, Version 2.0
Fryske Akademy
Eduard Drenth
Aggregated version Version Update time
6.2 6.2 May 19, 2018
6.0 6.0 May 15, 2018
5.1 5.1 May 08, 2018
5.0 5.0 Apr 30, 2018
4.12 4.12 Apr 11, 2018
4.11 4.11 Mar 06, 2018
4.10 4.10 Mar 06, 2018
4.9 4.9 Feb 08, 2018
4.7 4.7 Jan 29, 2018
4.5 4.5 Jan 26, 2018
4.2 4.2 Jan 26, 2018
4.1 4.1 Jan 26, 2018
4.0 4.0 Jan 24, 2018
3.0 3.0 Jan 19, 2018
2.1 2.1 Jan 17, 2018
2.0 2.0 Jan 12, 2018
1.2 1.2 Jan 11, 2018
1.1 1.1 Jan 10, 2018
1.0 1.0 Jan 10, 2018
99 Records