

Automated management of Jenkins jobs via Maven. Much of the information needed by Jenkins when creating a job is already in the Maven pom. The SCM information and CI url are present. Jenkins jobs also typically have names that reflect the groupId, artifactId, and version in some manner. This plugin automates the process of creating Jenkins jobs by harvesting information from the POM to create XML config files in the format Jenkins needs. The Jenkins CLI API is then used to create, update, read, and delete Jenkins jobs on the CI server. If your Jenkins instance requires authentication, add your public key to your user account on the Jenkins server.
Jeff Caddel
文件名 操作
jenkins-maven-plugin-1.1.3.jar 下载
jenkins-maven-plugin-1.1.3.pom 下载
jenkins-maven-plugin-1.1.3-sources.jar 下载
Apache Maven
Gradle Groovy
implementation 'org.kuali.maven.plugins:jenkins-maven-plugin:1.1.3'
Gradle Kotlin
Scala SBT
libraryDependencies += "org.kuali.maven.plugins" % "jenkins-maven-plugin" % "1.1.3"
Groovy Grape
  @Grab(group='org.kuali.maven.plugins', module='jenkins-maven-plugin', version='1.1.3')
Apache Ivy
<dependency org="org.kuali.maven.plugins" name="jenkins-maven-plugin" rev="1.1.3" />
[org.kuali.maven.plugins/jenkins-maven-plugin "1.1.3"]
Apache Buildr