

A reference implementation of OpenID Connect (http://openid.net/connect/) and OAuth 2.0 built on top of Java, Spring, and Spring Security. The project contains a fully functioning server, client, and utility library.
The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
Justin Richer Amanda Anganes
Aggregated version Version Update time
1.1 1.1.3 Mar 20, 2014
1.1.2 Mar 08, 2014
1.1.1 Feb 11, 2014
1.1.0 Dec 03, 2013
1.0 1.0.14 Feb 04, 2014
1.0.13 Dec 10, 2013
1.0.12 Sep 24, 2013
1.0.11 Sep 07, 2013
1.0.10 Sep 04, 2013
1.0.9 Aug 21, 2013
1.0.8 Aug 10, 2013
1.0.7 Jul 31, 2013
1.0.6 Jul 29, 2013
1.0.5 Jul 12, 2013
1.0.4 Jun 29, 2013
1.0.3 Jun 19, 2013
1.0.2 Jun 07, 2013
1.0.1 May 21, 2013
1.0.0 May 03, 2013
0.9 0.9.3 Apr 27, 2013
0.9.2 Apr 20, 2013
0.9.1 Apr 11, 2013
0.9.0 Apr 03, 2013
63 Records