

Spring BlazeDS Integration is a top-level Spring project, and a component of the complete Spring Web stack. This project's purpose is to make it easier to build Spring-powered Rich Internet Applications using Adobe Flex as the front-end client. It aims to achieve this purpose by providing first-class support for using the open source Adobe BlazeDS project and its powerful remoting and messaging facilities in combination with the familiar Spring programming model.
The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
Jeremy Grelle Mark Fisher
大版本 版本 最近更新
1.5 1.5.2.RELEASE 2011-11-08 12:13:25
1.5.1.RELEASE 2011-11-03 07:11:10
1.5.0.RELEASE 2011-06-26 06:38:46
1.0 1.0.3.RELEASE 2010-03-12 22:09:03
1.0.2.RELEASE 2010-02-07 08:08:25
1.0.1.RELEASE 2009-09-24 20:57:45
1.0.0.RELEASE 2009-06-12 06:58:19